给 to 联合山基金 and Create Exceptional Futures
当你给联合山基金捐款时, you help support students who want to take their Mount Union education out into the world and contribute something meaningful. 每年, annual gifts offer flexibility in the budget and can be accepted and quickly returned to our students where the support is needed most. 选择每年回馈社会, you help create exceptional futures for our students – and help support opportunities that prepare them for fulfilling lives, 有意义的工作, 负责任的公民.
Annual gifts to 联合山基金 provide immediate support for:
- 奖学金和经济援助
- 学习编程
- 教师培训
- 留学经历
- 技术的改进
- 图书馆资源和研究工具
- Music, theatre, athletics, spiritual life, and other co-curricular activities
- 出现其他关键需求时
Gifts to 联合山基金 can be directed to one of the following areas:
- 大学优先级/最需要的领域 – providing support for key components of the Mount Union experience and critical needs as they arise
- 学生奖学金/援助 – ensuring that students of all backgrounds have access to an exceptional Mount Union education through 奖学金 and financial aid
- 卓越大学基金 – providing immediate support for the greatest priorities within the three colleges and enhancing educational and research opportunities for students at every level
- 应用学院 & 社会科学
- 文学院 & 人文学科
- 自然学院 & 健康科学
- 学生应急基金 – helping students with unexpected expenses, such as food, shelter, safety, rent, etc.,在紧急需要的时候
- 总统救助基金 – helping current juniors and seniors with an outstanding balance on their tuition
- M俱乐部/一般体育 – 支持我们25个男女队的运动员
- M俱乐部特定团队 – providing extra funding beyond budgetary means for the sport(s) of your choice
Are you especially passionate about a certain department, 学生组织, 或在Mount Union的项目? 你想要你的捐赠来支持一个特定的计划吗? You are welcome to give directly to an area on campus by making a designated annual gift. Each department or program will use the funds as needed.
Agencies such as US News and World Report utilize giving statistics in their rankings each year. 另外, many private foundations and corporations look at how many people give, 而不是每件礼物的数量, when determining whether to make large contributions to Mount Union. Your donation of any amount may help spur larger gifts to the University.
每一个礼物, 无论大小, makes a difference in the lives and educational experiences of our students.